DEVONthink’s Inbox is nicely set aside in the side bar:
However, there is no smooth process to get there by a key command. And golly-gosh-darn-it, I like my key commands. Let’s create a method to open the desired Inbox a new window. We’ll use our trusty Keyboard Maestro in this example, but you can use another custom keyboard program if desired as well.1
- Use the contextual menu (Command-click) to add the desired Inbox to your favorites:
Doing so adds the Inbox to your menu – Menu > Go > Favorites > XXXX:
Now you can
- Create a Keyboard Maestro macro to:
- Open a new window
- Open that window to the Inbox
- I’ve since discovered, through the DEVONthink newsletter, that there is a free key command app called Custom Shortcuts made by Houdah Software, makers of HoudahSpot, which is another program I really like. Keyboard Maestro does a lot more than create key commands and can string two together like we did above. But you may want to give Custom Shortcuts a try and see if it’s your cup of tea. ↩︎
Isn’t it easier to just right click on the ‘Inbox’ and select ‘Copy Database/Item Link’ and use that one in Keyboard Maestro?
So, I tried it out and remember why I went the other path – I have run into some troubles with the URL based approach to the Inbox. Namely, if I am in the middle of searching for a term, it will not open a new window and go to the Inbox without a search function. The process above does allow for always opening a new window to the Inbox.
Weird, I can’t replicate that or I misunderstood what you mean. I tried to enter a search term in the search area and when I press my KM shortcut for the ‘Inbox’, DT opens another window, open on the ‘inbox’ item.
Hmm – you’re right. That seems to work just fine. Well, sometimes I guess I just want to make things more complicated. Argh.