Podcast appearance – The Omni Show!
The Omni Group, makers of my beloved OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, and OmniOutliner, had me join their Omni Show podcast where I got to discuss my use of OmniFocus. Have a listen here. It’s the second time I’ve been on the show, and I’ve really enjoyed my...Resolving the New Year’s Resolution
The answer is to managing New Year’s or other types of resolutions is not willpower.
How Do You Know if You Are Using a “Force-Based” System of Working?
Many of can fall into Force-based systems of work without even realizing it. Consider a few signs that might help you know…
Forcing Work – When the Report is Due on Friday
Many of us can inadvertently fall prey to force-based systems of work.
Relying on a deadline to kick us into gear is a good example.
How easy is it to fall into such systems?