From Force to Freedom – The Visit Introduced
A Force-Based Method of Work There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method. There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method. You can...“Technological Empathy” – An Interview with the Mac Power Users Podcast
Last week, I had the pleasure of chatting with David Sparks and Stephen Hackett on their Mac Power Users podcast. As always, I had a lot of fun waxing eloquently, not so eloquently, and everywhere in between on matters of technology, with a momentary ode to boardgames...Finding Ease in Mastery
Mastery is not about force. “Hard work” is not something distasteful to force ourselves through.
The Authority Within
Being told what to do, even telling ourselves what to do can sometimes kill motivation.