Ideas On Canvas has just released their next version of MindNode, so I thought I’d do another post on integrating it with OmniFocus.

In a previous MindNode/OmniFocus post, I described using MindNode to come up with several tasks that could then be exported to OmniFocus. Here I point out a reverse integration. Specifically, we can link back to any particular OmniFocus component from MindNode.

Here’s an example,

  • Select a folder to brainstorm over:

  • Copy the project (Command-c)
  • Open a new MindNode project.
  • Select the main node.
  • Paste (Command-v):

The pasted project links back to the original project. That means that you can always click on the project name and have it take you back to the project in OmniFocus. To get there:

  • Click the project name.
  • Select the link:

From here, you can brainstorm and add thoughts as you’d like, and always return to the project. Even if OmniFocus is closed, selecting the link will open it and take you to the project. As described in the last integration post, you can convert nodes into tasks at any point by typing (Shift-Command-t), then Share them back to OmniFocus.

If you want, you can also do this with many projects at once:

  • Select a bunch of projects (Hold Command or Shift):

  • Copy them (Command-c)
  • Select a node in Mindnode.
  • Paste (Command-v):

Note, the hierarchy is not preserved. So if you plan to do this, I would suggest doing so piecemeal rather than with your entire OmniFocus library.

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