But ‘I Just Don’t Wanna’
Laundry? Taxes? Work report? “I don’t wanna” feelings can run strong. They are often complex, irritating, and frustrating. Whether someone tells us to do something or even when we tell ourselves, it doesn’t matter. That internal sense of agency...
I’m Sorry. I Can’t Do the Laundry. I Just Don’t Have the Dopamine **aka the Scientific Metaphors of Play**
“I’m sorry. I can’t do the laundry. I just don’t have the dopamine.” I’m paraphrasing the above from a social media post. It was humorous as these videos often are. But similar to what I’d described recently, the conversation...
The Dreaded Project
Projects get stalled for any number of reasons.
The advice to “just start” is close, but not quite right.
What’s missing? Find out below…

The Irritating Internet and a Celebration of Incompetence
Feel good memes are sometimes useful.
But if we’re not careful, they can lead us to stagnation.
How do we tread a path forward without sinking?

Searching for the Optimal Work Break
Exhausting one’s self with work, looking for the optimal way to take a break, we can easily lead ourselves astray with breaks that run us off course, lasting forever.
What other option do we have?…