Searching for the Optimal Work Break
Exhausting one’s self with work, looking for the optimal way to take a break, we can easily lead ourselves astray with breaks that run us off course, lasting forever.
What other option do we have?…
Exhausting one’s self with work, looking for the optimal way to take a break, we can easily lead ourselves astray with breaks that run us off course, lasting forever.
What other option do we have?…
What do you do when you “don’t feel like it” and still have to make something?
Forcing yourself hardly works.
Read on for a better path…
Sometimes you “just don’t feel like it”.
The work is unappealing and just about anything else is more interesting.
How do you engage?
Emergencies can focus a wandering mind
But too often that focus is harried
How can we find a more relaxed focus when needed?
The shame of not being “good enough” can stop us in our tracks
But knowing where to build can make all the difference
Read on to learn where to focus and leverage your strengths…