The Vital Need for Play in Work
When feeling dependent on deadlines, feeling that we can only things we are interested in, Forcing ourselves to work by some means can seem to be the only choice. However, it might be only have been a default choice. It may have never occurred to you that alternative...How Do You Know if You Are Using a “Force-Based” System of Working?
Many of can fall into Force-based systems of work without even realizing it. Consider a few signs that might help you know…
Forcing Work – When the Report is Due on Friday
Many of us can inadvertently fall prey to force-based systems of work.
Relying on a deadline to kick us into gear is a good example.
How easy is it to fall into such systems?
From Force to Freedom – The Visit Introduced
A Force-Based Method of Work There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method. There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method. You can...The Authority Within
Being told what to do, even telling ourselves what to do can sometimes kill motivation.