Kurt Vonnegut Dies at 84

For those who don’t know yet, there it is. I’m pretty darn bummed. Kurt Vonnegut has passed on. He was a wonderful writer who I had the honor of seeing on two occasions – once in RL and once in SL. I remember his voice with its growling low frequency...

Excuse Me, But Are You Man or Machine?

“Imagine having a discussion with Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein on the nature of the universe, where their 3-D, life-sized representations looked you in the eye, examined your body language, considered voice nuances and phraseology of your questions, then...

Values in Uni-tasking

Slow Down, Brave Multitasker, and Don’t Read This in Traffic – New York Times One of the many things that are done in hopes of increasing productivity is “multi-task.” The term is filled with meanings depending on the person. For some, listening to...

Scientists say nerves use sound, not electricity

Now, I’m not sure if I buy into this article yet, but it sounds entertaining. “The common view that nerves transmit impulses through electricity is wrong and they really transmit sound, according to a team of Danish scientists.” – CBC news The...

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

I had come across an article called “Where Everybody Knows Your (Screen) Name: Online Games as “Third Places” by Steinkuehler and Williams They referred to the MMORPG space as a type of community – a type of place for social gathering. The...

Communication, Autism, and the Internet

It is clear and obvious that communication requires two parties. But, effective communication requires two parties that are each willing to say that his or her respective world is not the only world. An essence of learning requires a person to be humble enough to...
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