Some thoughts on improvisation as self-analysis.

Improvisation is the process of developing an observing ego. This ego learns to be without censorship. Rather it observes the notes, phrases, and concepts emanating from within. The “within” is the unconscious. In the process, the ego, as a part of...

Newsweek and psychoanalysis

Check out the latest Newsweek which has a nice article about Freud and Psychoanalysis today. There is a lot of misperception and misunderstanding of what psychoanalysis is. The article does a decent job of explaining what it is and how things have evolved.

Wired 14.04: Dream Machines

Wired 14.04: Dream Machines This is probably one of the better written articles on the benefits of gaming and its relation to societies present evolution. We are living at a major time of transition. Kids today are more and more capable of connecting with others in...

ADHD and games – ADHD patients play video games as part of treatment Here’s an article that has been making the rounds. ADHD treated via a type of videogame. There is a form of treatment in the psychiatric world known as “bio-feedback” which...

JUF News and Public Affairs

JUF News and Public Affairs This is clearly a late posting, but I didn’t think to look for press for the event until now. Several children from the JCC in Skokie, IL put on a play of David & Lisa. It is a play that originated from a novel of the 60’s...
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