Force-Based Systems and the Fickle Fuel of Fear
Stuck Those of us who feel like we cannot work unless we are interested in something or are fueled by some impending deadline, can simply feel stuck. We can neither fake interest, nor can we fake deadlines. So, what do we do? Unfortunately, feelings of helplessness...The Pain of Potential
I could do this! I can do that! But, I need to this! But, but… I really want to do that! One of the powers and frustrations of a wandering mind is the number of things that we can do at any one time. What’s even more frustrating is fully knowing that if we...Resolving the New Year’s Resolution
The answer is to managing New Year’s or other types of resolutions is not willpower.
Forcing Work – When the Report is Due on Friday
Many of us can inadvertently fall prey to force-based systems of work.
Relying on a deadline to kick us into gear is a good example.
How easy is it to fall into such systems?