PC vs Console

  PC, clearly. Ok, I’m being glib. But, I actually agree with the points made in the article. Now, if I only had time to play more …  

Byron Review of Video Games and Children

  Terra Nova has noted that the “Safer Children in a Digital World: the report of the Byron Review” has just come out. It is a discussion of the online worlds and video games in relation to children. I have not read it as of yet, but am quite excited...

Lecture: Therapy in Virtual Worlds

  The concerns of mental health know no boundaries. When we enter the virtual worlds, we still bring ourselves. Much as the adage goes about vacations, wherever we go, there we are. As such, we can also bring the concept of therapy into these very same realms. In...

Learning Languages in Virtual Worlds

Terra Nova has an article about the use of Second Life for learning English. Of course, any language could well be learned in the context of a culture. The culture of a virtual world is likely little different. **Update (3-26-08): Also from Terra Nova, there is a...

Quantum Existence in Abstractia

  “But it’s the interplay of the ‘real’ with the virtual that is the richest source for the possibilities of change. If we purely think of virtual worlds as separate, we’re ignoring the fact that they are NOT walled gardens. They may have walls...
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