Physics in music

“Music’s real effect on people is a new field of science called psychoacoustics- the way and organism deals with wiggling air molecules.” – Frank Zappa Just what are these “wiggling air molecules”? Is it necessary to think about...

Nature, Art, and Technology

You may have noticed that I am a big fan of finding nature in technology. It seems to be my soap box of sorts that technology and nature are not incompatible and that, they may not even be different entities at all, rather that they overlap frequently. Along these...

Re-Mission: Gaming Towards Health

Video games often get a bad rap. Too often, the learning and play potentials of games are lost in a media hungry for bad news. Re-Mission is a game that indisputably has a good moral fiber that is gradually gaining some press. The game’s creators at Hopelab have...

Music In-World and In-Game

What is the draw of online musical performance for the artist or the audience? It would seem that performing in the real world has more benefits. The artist and audience have direct contact. They can speak directly, look at each other directly, and basically have a...