Reviewing Large Projects

Large projects can be difficult to navigate for any number of reasons. When I refer to large projects, I mean those that span at least several OmniFocus projects and possibly several folders of projects.1 Here is an example from Zen & The Art of...

A Daily Review Habit

“Falling off the GTD wagon” (or any task system for that matter) can be all too easy and all too disrupting.  Especially, when you’ve grown used to a system, the gradual loss of trust in that system can come with feelings of anxiety,...

My Current OmniFocus Dashboard “Recipe”

My workflow has, in general, shifted towards a session-focused style, as is evident from my recent post.  Essentially, that just means that my dashboard of tasks number only a few (about 5-8, give or take) and each represents a session of work. They are not very...

Stats reports for OmniFocus

OmniFocus is very much an app about doing.  It’s not designed with graphical reporting in mind.  Here’s a neat app, though, put together by Thomas Schoffelen, that shows a list of open tasks, and completed tasks from the last 7 days, last 3 months, and...

A Principle of Completable Lists

We can have any number of types of task lists, be they a perspective, a context, or a project. Some lists stick around: the daily list, phone calls to make, things to file, agenda items, and more. They fill up, we clear them, and they fill up again. Two questions we...