A Force-Based Method of Work

There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method.

There are several different ways of approaching work, but one in particular, I would call a Force-Based Method.

You can probably tell if you’re using it by how you tend to feel when it comes to work.

  • Maybe you feel exhausted, overwhelmed with too much to do and have no idea where to start
  • Maybe you have a hard time engaging things, sometimes even things you would otherwise enjoy
  • Maybe you feel dependent on due dates to make much of anything happen
  • Maybe when you get to something, you start heading down one rabbit trail after the next, getting lost not knowing where you’re heading, but continue to sit until … something happens?
  • Or maybe you just plain feel stuck

In the meantime, you’ve got sticky notes everywhere, multiple scratchpads and ever-growing task lists, one overburdened task application after the next, and alerts that try to scream past each other, still getting lost.

Meanwhile, even when it looks like you are holding it together, it might still feel like you’re straining to hold on.

These are often a result of what I would call a Force-based method of approaching work.

Many of us can fall into it and not realize having done so, or maybe you know it all too well.

It is often a go-to method for those with ADHD, anxiety, depression, as well as those who are creative, intelligent, just like to explore things.

It often strikes those who feel somehow out-of-tune with the demands made around them, where they can dive in deep with one thing while feeling “I don’t wanna” something else that might even appear simple.

The Visit-Based Method of Work

But, there is another method of work that can work well with those feeling out of tune with demands. Because it is all about tuning in from where you are now.

I call it this a Visit-based method of work.

It is often associated with a playfulness, a depth of creativity, of inspiration and intuition, and an engagement that feels real. What you are doing feels meaningful.

Things go at your pace, somehow aligned with your natural rhythms of mind.

You’ve probably been there in those seemingly rare moments that just clicked.

It can feel hard or mysterious to know how to get there. It might seem that you don’t have much of a say as to whether you can work in that pace of your rhythm.

But you do. In fact, you can make much of your day about that real engagement, even with things you don’t want to do, and still get to the things you do want to do.

You can do so using a visit-based model of arranging your work.

Upcoming Thoughts and a Download

In the coming weeks, I’ll be presenting either system, examples and the like, ideas about how they come to be, and the results of them.

Developing a visit-based approach is a practice, but I believe it is a doable practice.

In the meantime, check out a free PDF I’ve made on the matter called, Your First Step to Breaking Free From Force-Based Work.

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