Hook and DEVONthink

There’s a neat connection you can create using Hook and DEVONthink. Hook is a program that creates a palette of connected items throughout your system. I’ve described using Hook before when using it with OmniFocus.

Using Hook, you can automatically create a text file in DEVONthink to connect to any other part of your system.

An Example

As an example, here’s a project I have in OmniFocus:

I then

  • Select the project
  • Type the Hook command (Shift-option-space for me)

Doing so summons the Hook app, which you can see hovering over the project in the OmniFocus window:

  • Type Command-n to create a new DEVONthink file.

In the image below, you can see the menu option that could alternatively by selected:

A new window appears asking where you want the note in DEVONthink:

  • Choose a spot, and hit ok.

Once you do, you’ll see a new note, ready for whatever reference items you want to add:

DEVONthink note available for references

DEVONthink note available for references

Now, whenever you select the OmniFocus Project and invoke the Hook command, you can see your reference note:

How to Set It Up

Setting it up is easy.

  • Invoke Hook (Shift-Option-Space)
  • Access preferences (Command-,)
  • Go to the Notes tab
  • Under the Note Templates area, choose DEVONthink as your default:

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