Workflow Mastery

2014 eLiterature Award in educational books winner!

“… one of those rare works that will truly help you in the quest to stop doing things and start doing the right things.” – Workflowing

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  • Do you jump from task to task but still feel like you are wasting time?
  • Do you constantly fidget with your systems without getting to your work?
  • Do you have a sense that you are not doing what you want to be doing?

Work and play with a clear mind

Workflow Mastery is designed to help you build calm, decisive workflows starting with the most basic building blocks.

Learn how to:

  • Find a deep focus.
  • Make clear decisions with calm.
  • Organize meaningfully.
  • Guide technology, rather than be controlled by it.
  • Devote and enhance the time, material, and attention needed for mastery and meaningful work.
  • Do what you feel is important without procrastination.
  • Refine your surroundings into strong and elegant structures to develop and support your paths of creativity.
  • Master universals of workflows to build your own unique system.
  • Avoid bouncing from one task to the next without getting anything done.
  • Build the foundations to develop mastery and meaningful work.


  • 550+ pages of text, examples, and exercises.
  • 3 versions of DRM free reading: ePub, Mobi (for Kindle), and PDF
  • Workflow Mastery also includes video files embedded in the ePub version of the eBook and as a single standalone file.


“If you are even slightly interested in the dynamics of process and workflow, this is a great place to start.” – Exploring the Black Box

“… renders visible those logically flawed but long invisible assumptions that lead us to create more work or stress for ourselves than is really necessary” – Curve Writing

Workflow Mastery is a deep dive into what it takes to develop mastery and meaningful work. It describes, at both practical and psychological depth, how vision develops, how we can organize meaningfully, and ultimately how we can create the conditions for our work and play. The material is structured so you can decide where and how to improve your individual workflow to whatever degree you may wish. It builds from the very basics up through the advanced.

*Note: ePub file does not render in Google Play.

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