Piano & Synth Music

by Kourosh Dini

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8-Bit Chase Scene for a Non-Existent Video Game

Somehow I envision this as being part of a chase scene.  I composed it for a class assignment in a Udemy Video Game Music Course.

There are 2 square waves running the main melody with a triangle wave acting as bass. These 3 channels hopefully mimic the old Nintendo Entertainment System audio capabilities.  The NES could actually also have a drum and sample track, but I left them out. I had tried a drum layer on top of it, but just wasn’t happy with it.

Since it’s for a video game, it needs to be able to repeat seamlessly. The track runs for about 40 seconds or so and then repeats and fades out.

Trod (synthesizer & drums)

Trod Synthesizer & Drums Composed, arranged, recorded, and generally scowled at on the morning of May 12, 2017.   When I first began playing music, I had vowed to create music that could only be done live. While this has been helpful to creating a certain...

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