Piano & Synth Music
by Kourosh Dini
Enjoy a relaxing live performance of piano and synth sounds most Monday evenings from 7 to 8pm CST. Tune in either on:
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Trod (synthesizer & drums)
Synthesizer & Drums
Composed, arranged, recorded, and generally scowled at on the morning of May 12, 2017.
When I first began playing music, I had vowed to create music that could only be done live. While this has been helpful to creating a certain style and living quality to the music, I think that it’s time to disavow the vow, which is, I guess, what can be done with a vow.
In any case, here’s some fun using a synth and drums from this morning.
Whisper (piano)
Piano track
Loud and Pounding
Loud programmed synths. Because, why not?
Whimsy (piano)
G major piano piece – Recorded April 12, 2016.