[swf]http://store.snocap.com/a/s/T3-31324-5TTCN32JLR-A.swf, 425, 300,8,#000000[/swf]

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no – it’s technology rearing it’s funky head again.

I adore Einstein’s statement that everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, I am drawn by this technology thing and keep trying to learn more of it. Perhaps there is this hope that things do simplify once their roles are defined in the context I assign them.

I’ve discovered SNOCAP after hitting upon this article. I set the thing up over the weekend with the intent of offering for sale and download the recordings my Second Life shows. The hope is that it simplifies the process of getting music to everyone. I have no idea how this will pan out, but at least the process is fun.

The interesting thing is this interface between man and his environment. The music, at it’s essence, is a meditation. Meditation has been around for, say, a bunch of years. “Bunch” is perhaps better defined as oodles. It is, in my opinion, a fundamental state of mind and a practice that has been honed as much as something can be honed. I attempt to attain this state in practice and performance.

Meanwhile, here is this service where I can sell something I recorded that same day. I’ve been wanting a service like this to realize for some time.

In this way, new technology facilitates the communication to many offered by the older practice of meditation and the (older?) language of music. Now that’s neat. 🙂

  • As the pilot attempt of this program, I am using the recording from the performance at the Steamtree in Second Life on August 7th, 2006. If you happen to be reading this article far off from this date, the recordings listed on the store will likely be different as I plan for the tunes to rotate. The next time I perform, I’ll try to put that one up and take this one down.

I have removed my speech from the performance so it is left with only music. I’ve also done some compression but not too much to squash the dynamics. Other than that, it is as the performance was on Monday evening at roughly one hour length. There is a certain intensity at the beginning, during the piano work, that may be jarring. If you find it so, skip to about 12-15 minutes in or so where things calm down a bit.

There is also a piece listed that I did several weeks ago entitled “Drop.” The link goes to the previous posting where it can be heard in its entirety.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

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