by Kourosh | Jul 19, 2007 | On Mind, On Music
Music communicates only because there is a listener who is able perceive the language. That language is learned when the listener takes an active part in living and experiencing it. As with all things, “you get what you give.” I ran into this nice quote...
by Kourosh | Mar 27, 2007 | On Mind
Slow Down, Brave Multitasker, and Don’t Read This in Traffic – New York Times One of the many things that are done in hopes of increasing productivity is “multi-task.” The term is filled with meanings depending on the person. For some, listening to...
by Kourosh | Sep 10, 2006 | On Mind
And now for something completely different … Question: Was Freud’s method of creating psychoanalysis a meditation of free-assocation? Meditation As used by humanity for millennia, meditation has been a powerful tool and exercise. It begins with a focused...