Why Write Music?

  “Wind, water, and stones”: [audio:https://www.kouroshdini.com/ajjfh33/Wind_Water_Stones-kouroshdini.com.mp3]   Music is the channeling of a form of Nature. A musician attempts to create a certain abstract space. Within and of that space, there...

Meditation, Fear, and Creativity

I’ve been practicing meditation in one form or another for a few years now. Whenever I mention it, I usually get an odd look. There is a certain unspoken need to explain it, yet the more I do it, the more obvious it seems to me are its benefits. At the same...

Some thoughts on improvisation as self-analysis.

Improvisation is the process of developing an observing ego. This ego learns to be without censorship. Rather it observes the notes, phrases, and concepts emanating from within. The “within” is the unconscious. In the process, the ego, as a part of...