Regular Weekly Performances Now at Nitida Ridge

Bree Birke, of Second Life, has been wonderful to invite me to be a regular weekly performance at her venue in Nitida Ridge. She had not originally intended the area towards performance arts, but the environment is very welcoming and seemed destined for it. Click the...

Live Performance – in Chicago

It’s not often that I perform in RL anymore. Second Life really has made things too simple to lug my equipment to actual venues. But, the other day, I was looking around for music and I came across a very neat place called The Orphanage. It’s clear that a...

SLCC 07 this weekend!

The SLCC Events will be streamed over Internet radio. Music, specifically, will stream from the Social URLs where I will be on tonight at 6pm CST. My avatar will also be playing in game so feel free to log in and say hi. Don’t forget to check out the neat events...