An apt comic

Hmm … Penny Arcade! – The Hook, The Line, And The Sinker I just gave another presentation of Video Games and Mental Health today. It seems to be a well received topic. I am continually developing this talk as a presentation. I plan to market it with...

Dulcenea performance – December 20th

Here’s the most up to date information from the website. The event is again part of their Wednesday Onomatopoeia lineup of artists. Dulcenea is their new home. The performance will start as solo improvisation and transition into a performance with...

Real Life Performance at Dulcenea

Yup. I’ve got my first RL performance in quite some time. I’ll be at Dulcenea on Wednesday December 20th. I will perform solo ambient works for a bit followed by a duo with Josh Brill. Josh will likely turn things up and away from the ambient as the...