Piano Player Creativity Event – Saturday March 7th

From the event’s own flyer: “I invite you to a truly unique experience in SL. Seven composers, including myself, will present original piano works, elicit your responses to what is evoked by the music, and discuss our creative process. Discussion will be...

SL Performance to benefit Galveston, Texas

  The repairs on Galveston, Texas continue from its savaging by Hurricane Ike. This weekend, join a special fundraiser especially endorsed by the city of Galveston, Texas. This two day musical event will celebrate this RL destination through the best SL music....

A Theater of Living Architecture by Josina Burgess

  Teleport here Josina of SL has designed a theater where the architecture shifts and changes throughout a performance. I have the honor of performing there this Thursday at 4pm SLT. Her thoughts: “In this Project I totally had your music in mind, so the...