Why Instant/Text Message?

Today’s tools increasingly highlight the growing generational divide in the worlds of communication. Instant messaging and text messaging are new forces mainly to those of us in the older generations. Their use by today’s teens has been around since they were...

Re-Mission: Gaming Towards Health

Video games often get a bad rap. Too often, the learning and play potentials of games are lost in a media hungry for bad news. Re-Mission is a game that indisputably has a good moral fiber that is gradually gaining some press. The game’s creators at Hopelab have...

On Being More Childish

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – P. Picasso “When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.”...

4 year-old drummer

fE_PFpWPQ5Y Wow. Just wow. The title on the youtube page says 4 year-old drummer. There are a number of other videos of this wonderful musician as well as some active debate on their forums as to whether or not this is his true age. Regardless, of how old he is,...

The Importance of Fun

“I think there’s a good case to be made that having fun is a key evolutionary advantage right next to opposable thumbs in terms of importance. Without that little chemical twist in our brains that makes us enjoy learning new things, we might be more like...