The Garden of Not Possible in Real Life Delights

  Massively has written up an article on Rezzable’s and NPIRL’s Garden of Not Possible in Real Life Delights, a fascinating grouping of many, many artworks. Taking a page from that madman and artist, Hieronymus Bosch, Rezzable and the Not Possible In...


  The lovely artist Josina Burgess has created an excellent chill theater, named Aurora, in which I hope to perform soon.     When you arrive, you’ll see an array of glowing spheres. Walk through those into the wall beyond them to enter the domed...

C'est le seconde vie …

  Looks like there may not be the usual performance this morning. I am standing by, though, in case things start up again, but it seems that there have been significant server issues running throughout the evening and early morning.   If only everything...