Neat Art Exhibits in SL

There are too many excellent art exhibits in SL for me to keep up with, but every once in a while I see one and just find myself sitting back and saying, “neat.” I took a couple of pictures of one I saw yesterday and have added a link if you’re...

Two Albums – Sky Lily and Red Rock

The compete recording of the Nitida Ridge performance is now in the new store. In addition, I’ve put up the recording from the Red Rock Concert of December 6th. One track from each can now be heard in the sidebar – the self-titled track, as well as...

SLCC 07 this weekend!

The SLCC Events will be streamed over Internet radio. Music, specifically, will stream from the Social URLs where I will be on tonight at 6pm CST. My avatar will also be playing in game so feel free to log in and say hi. Don’t forget to check out the neat events...