Statistics of Teenage Video Game Play from Pew

  The Pew Internet and American Life Project have put together a survey report called Teens, Video Games and Civics. Download the pdf here.   Apparently it was a project inspired by the idea that kids are spending time on video games to the point that they...

Kids Getting Smarter with Video Games?

  Apparently a few libraries are willing to put together a study to determine if there is any truth to the matter. My view is obvious. If Video Game Play and Addiction says anything, it is that games can be playgrounds in which people learn. A game is a...

One Story of a Gamer Recognizing Addiction

    Massively points out a nicely written piece on Kotaku about a gamer who “powerlevels” a character. The story is presented in three parts: Part I Part II Part III Powerleveling is a type of service, generally considered against the rules, for...