The following may be more esoteric than useful for most, but that won’t stop me from making a screencast. It features a use of the program that may be only something I’d use myself, but is hard for me to tell, so feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments.

In some ways, I wanted to see how well I could create a screencast and so here it is. It is also a response to those made by Sven Fechner, David Sparks, and Michael Shecther.



I visit the Communications perspective twice daily. It contains contexts of Calls, Emails, Texts, and Waiting for. Once I’m through with the perspective, I avoid communications unless necessary. Altogether, it is a process of:

  • checking inboxes,
  • answering whatever can be answered in 2 minutes or less,
  • deleting whatever needs deleting,
  • filing as reference, and
  • assigning the rest as tasks Omnifocus.
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