One of the big complaints made in the transition from OmniFocus 1 to 2 was the loss of the Inbox from the Project view. The workarounds were to either:

  • assign a task to a project using the given fields or the Inspector
  • create a new window using Option-Command-N to drag and drop a task to a project.

With the upcoming update 2.10 (currently in test build status), we now have the option of returning the Inbox to the Project view:



However, this is now a preference option.  To access it:

  • Open preferences (Command-,)
  • Navigate to the Organization pane
  • Select the “In the Projects perspective” option:


You can now drag and drop a task to where you would like it to go:


When you select the project to which it has been dragged, you will now see the task.  Notice, too, that it can inherit a default context for the project if set in the Inspector:


You can try out the OmniFocus Test Builds, but please know to do this with caution. Though I’ve rarely had issue, odd things can happen with test builds. So I’m not responsible if your computer malfunctions, it starts to rain, or your cat walks across your board game totally ruining hours of play because of any test build shenanigans.

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