Dear Readers,

  • Getting into things may seem difficult without “the right conditions”, where the stars align and you can finally do that thing you’d been putting off.
  • Maybe you struggle to manage scatter, where decisions weigh you down, leaving you paralyzed.
  • Often the productivity tip *du jour* just doesn’t cut it, not helping you engage, leaving you without any sense of *meaningful* accomplishment.

One trouble you may have is an anxiety-based system.

Constantly measuring by what’s due next, fearing what you might be missing, forcing yourself to work for set periods of time, setting false due dates, and the like are all evidence of an anxiety-based system.

Further, these methods also contribute and worsen the anxiety of that system.

Did I miss something? Well maybe I should just worry more.

Notice how when such systems fall apart, it’s immediately followed by some desperately needed moment of relaxation, exploration, or “freedom” from whatever todo list that continues to scream as it decays.

A better system is one that allows the range of emotions, one that might even foster play, one that doesn’t beg for false deadlines, while still accommodating the realities we all live in.

Those with wandering minds, whether the creative, the curious, the lost in time, or those caught in the currents of ADHD, often inadvertently fall into these anxiety-based systems.

It’s a struggle to know any other way. And it’s a struggle to get out.

Moving to a system that allows for discovery, play, and smooth sailing is not impossible, but it does require practice.

To get there, consider the newly re-imagined, Waves of Focus: Guiding the Wandering Mind, opening on May 5th.

Consider these testimonials from previous cohorts:

“The course has not only given me a few tools, but has actually given me the means to leverage those tools into a system that will allow me to process what really is almost 50 years worth of accumulated desires that are represented by reams of post-its, papers, notebooks, etc. which I’ve been carrying around … and that’s been, as I say to everyone who asks, a life changer. I wake up happy, and I have not done that for most of my life.

— Kirby

I had never understood why other people could do everything on time in an orderly way, while I was a victim of deadlines and overflowing inbox lists.

… After years of trying multiple time management methods and applications, I have finally started to improve my productivity thanks to this course.

— Juan

The philosophy and tools introduced here were and are incredibly helpful. I think about them and use them throughout the day. What struck me with the cohort was what accomplished, brilliant and productive people identified with having a wandering mind and struggled with many of the same things I do. I learned so much from the others in our group. This approach seems like a basic life skill for me that I didn’t get until now. Thank you!

— Beverly

I hope to see you there!

– Kourosh

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