This Saturday marks the 10 year anniversary of my weekly performances at Nitida Ridge in Second Life. Nearly every week, Bree Birke hosts a lovely virtual space where I perform to a global audience. It’s become quite the staple for many of them and for myself. Every Saturday at 10am CST, I get to fire up the piano and synthesizer and broadcast to the world. It’s been such a treat that I look forward to every week.

If you’re interested in tuning in, you can do so with or without a Second Life account. To just listen in, use this link on most any Saturday morning at 10am. To visit the world itself, you can teleport there after creating a Second Life account.

To see an example of a performance, watch the video below where I perform the piece “Impart” as my avatar Kourosh Eusebio:

Recorded and edited by Aiden Witrial


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