Well, after about a year of work, it’s finally done.  <i><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Video-Game-PLAY-AND-ADDICTION/dp/0595454704">Video Game Play and Addiction: A Guide for Parents</a></i> is now ready for pre-order:

    <p align="center"><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Video-Game-PLAY-AND-ADDICTION/dp/0595454704"></a></p>

(Note - there is also an e-book version available, but I’ve discovered it does not work on OS 10.5 until Adobe updates their reader. It seems to work fine on Windows XP, however.)

The discussions, both positive and negative, with regards to the interactions between kids and video games corresponds with the anxiety that comes with any unknown.

Hopefully, this book helps to ease some of this anxiety for those who play well, while also guiding those who indeed play problematically. As both a psychiatrist and player of video games, I have tried to keep an unbiased stance.

The chapter listing is as follows:

    <li> Chapter 1 - Learning and Play</li>
    <li> Chapter 2 - Educating Through Video Games</li>
    <li> Chapter 3 - Concerns of Addiction</li>
    <li> Chapter 4 - Concerns of Violence and Aggression</li>
    <li> Chapter 5 - Guidance and Your Child</li>
    <li> Chapter 6 - Communities and the Future</li>

<i><a href="http://bookstore.iuniverse.com/Products/SKU-000050246/Video-Game-PLAY-AND-ADDICTION.aspx">Video Game Play and Addiction: A Guide for Parents</a></i> can now be pre-ordered.

I would be happy to read <a href="https://www.kouroshdini.com/contact-commissions-and-consultations/">your thoughts and comments.</a>

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