Two and one-half years, 500+ pages, and nearly 100,000 words after Creating Flow with OmniFocusWorkflow: Beyond Productivity is now available:

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Workflow is an advanced textbook ready to reward the diligent reader, interested in not only productivity, but also creativity and mastery.

The text dives deep into the individual components of the workflow. While each individual has his or her own unique systems, the basics of the workflow remain. Intention, organization, sessions, practice, mastery, motivation, and more are explored at both a practical and psychological depth. Terminology and definitions work in concert with each other, while they are also presented individually so that you can decide where and how to improve your individual workflow to whatever degree you may wish.

What you will not find is a series of quick fixes or how-to lists. However, you will find an in-depth examination, from basic concepts to an advanced understanding so you can build the secure foundations needed to truly develop meaningful work.

Workflow is application independent. Though the text is also a companion to Creating Flow with OmniFocus, it is a standalone work, ready to support you regardless of the tools you may wish to use.


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