Zen & The Art of Work is a set of exercises to help you do more and stress less.  It can help you in fields of business, school, the creative arts, home and more.  You can even learn to develop a path of mastery in whatever field you choose.  The course can help you build a new system or return to one if you’ve “fallen off the wagon”. It can also fit well with a system you already have.

Followers of the mailing list should have already received (or will receive soon) the Introduction module.  If you’re interested in getting the free sample, as well as samples of Creating Flow with OmniFocus and Workflow Mastery, sign up here.  You can also watch the Introduction in the embed below.

The video course contains 16 individual modules with 14 exercises (plus an introduction and a conclusion video). The course is the product of many years of work with clients, a compilation of ideas from therapy, many popular productivity ideas, meditation, creativity, and more.

Zen & The Art of Work marks the third piece in the work efficiency trilogy which began with Creating Flow with OmniFocus and Workflow Mastery.

As a bonus, purchasers will receive the soundtrack of the course Zen & the Piano.

All courses and books are available at ZenandtheArtofWork.com and UsingOmniFocus.com.

Here’s the Introduction:

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